Artificial Intelligence

We have analysed and looked for areas that fulfil the following criteria in the coming 3-10 years:
strongly disruptive –
– high potential for profit –
– inevitable and unstoppable –


TODAY: An android is a machine made too look and behave like a human, while the term humanoid is broader and describes a machine built in a human-like form with legs, arms, torso and head. So far, there are no real androids in existence, but there are some fantastic humanoids. Check out the videos below. To make the machines more human-like, advances in both artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic engineering is needed.

FUTURE: In the coming 10 years, androids will emerge. There will be a huge demand to fine-tune and expand android functionalities and this will lead to new companies starting up with that focus. Around 10 years from now, it is likely that we will have androids in many homes that can clean, cook, watch our children, and even act as friends and romantic partners.

This is where science is already today!

Nine fantastic robots! What they can do is just amazing!
Tony Robbins interviews Sophia and asks difficult questions
Female robots as companions, secretaries and more!
This robot has fantastic facial flexibility and moves arms in a natural way.