Metaverse & Web 3.0

We have analysed and looked for areas that fulfil the following criteria in the coming 3-10 years:
strongly disruptive –
– high potential for profit –
– inevitable and unstoppable –

The METAVERSE is one such area.

TODAY: A metaverse of today is simply any of all the many available virtual reality worlds. Most of these are built around e-sport, gaming or family games. To get the right immersive experience some type of virtual reality headset is needed. Some of today’s metaverse’s have already grown huge and it is possible to buy land and build houses and much more in them. Some are hosted on large company owned servers while others are based on blockchain technology (Web 3.0). Learn more by watching the videos below.

FUTURE: Existing metaverse’s will grow and somehow be linked together and form a more general METAVERSE. Avatars, cars, tools and more can be moved from one “world” to another. Headsets are now the size of sun glasses. “Internet” as we know it today will disappear and become a part of the more immersive metaverse. Many of today’s physical activities will happen in the metaverse: meetings, office work, shopping, concerts, and much more.

This is where we are already today!

Facebook goes “all in” on the Metaverse. And new name is “Meta”.
NFTs and the Metaverse: The internet enters a new phase
Concerts In The Metaverse Are Making Artists Millions | Forbes
Investors Buy Up Metaverse Real Estate in Virtual Land Boom | WSJ