Inevitable & Unstoppable

Technology has given humans superpowers. We can fly, see through walls, and move super-heavy objects. We have mobile multi-functional devices that can access all kinds of information and can connect with almost anyone in the world within seconds. And we also have self-driving cars and flying robots.

Yet, there so much more coming. This journey onwards and into the future cannot be stopped.

Strongly Disruptive

Sophos Capital has chosen to focus on Artificial Intelligence, Biotechnology, Life Extension, and the Metaverse because these areas will change our lives radically in the years to come. We see these areas as interconnected and simply call it LIFE TECHNOLOGIES.

In fact, the potential changes coming from Life Technologies are so huge that these areas are controversial and sometimes bring up strong emotions; even outcries for regulation or to be declared illegal.

High Potential for Profit

Big changes mean high potential for profits. Investing in these areas means high risk but standing on the outside and missing out is also a risk; and not just a monetary one.

The changes in the years to come are important and investing time or money now mean being in a frontline position. It will be easier to follow these cutting-edge technologies and understand and adapt to new situations as they unfold. And it may also be possible to make money from the changes.

If you like the above and share our interest in the 4 verticals that we focus on:

Easy Market Access

Sophos Capital is a meeting point for business professionals, investors, and entrepreneurs.

  • We use our network to find investment opportunities, both long-term and short-term, that we believe will produce the best risk-adjusted returns.
  • We do the due diligence of the companies and investments.
  • We arrange the investments.
  • We hold the investments until the right time for exit

Long-term: seed- and early-stage ventures; investment perspective is 1-5 years. Exit strategies would normally be: M&A or an IPO.

Short-term: identified opportunities such as IPOs (initial public offerings), technology breakthroughs, and mergers and acquisitions.


Investing in Sophos Capital means many advantages:

  • Exposure to several investments at the same time in these interesting verticals.
  • A diversified portfolio (=several investments) means lower risk
  • Active research team looking daily for new investment opportunities
  • Support of areas of science that will mean a big change for human life
  • Access to cutting-edge information within life-changing areas (exclusive newsletter)